Come and experience Belgrade hospitality, meet new friends and listen prominent speakers from the U.S., Great Britain, Iran, Turkey and Serbia.
Come and experience Belgrade hospitality, meet new friends and listen prominent speakers from the U.S., Great Britain, Iran, Turkey and Serbia.
International Astrology Days Event, which is organized annually by the School of Astrology, continues in 2017 under the topic “Relationship Astrology”. We congratulate the 6th of our International Astrological Days event, with the participation of our astrologer friends from the international arena including OPA President Maurice Fernandez (US), OPA Norway Satellite Sol W.Jonassen (NO), ISAR Education
International Astrology Days Event, which is organized annually by the School of Astrology, continues in 2017 under the topic “Relationship Astrology”. We congratulate the 6th of our International Astrological Days event, with the participation of our astrologer friends from the international arena including OPA President Maurice Fernandez (US), OPA Norway Satellite Sol W.Jonassen (NO), ISAR Education
Late Friday (July 15, 2016), tanks rolled onto the streets of the capital, Ankara, and Istanbul. Uniformed soldiers blocked the famous Bosphorus Bridge connecting the European and Asian sides of Istanbul. Media outlets, including CNN Turk, said they’d been forced off air, and social media experienced outages. Shortly before midnight local time, a faction of
The year 2017, when challenging economic conditions will be on the stage and the markets will fluctuate notably, will probably be remembered as a year which is both open to speculations and which will also bring interesting opportunities. When the aspects of the planets, which represent the long-termed influences, are considered, we may conclude that
Leaders Time! Eclipses in Leo and Aquarius in 2017 In classical astrology, Solar and Lunar Eclipses are often used while making annual predictions. Ancient astrogers regarded eclipses as negative events, implying that eclipses bring depressing events and endings. They represent stressful times and unexpected crises. Solar eclipses were considered as the harbingers of events related
Democracy is the winner Jupiter, the planet of justice, honesty, ethical and moral values, is now in Libra, the sign of balance, equality, law and justice! In classical astrology, Jupiter is in its triplicity in Libra and consequently its power of sanction in this sign is above average. Libra effort for being fair and objective
Stars and Megastars Hipparchus, a Greek astronomer, geographer and mathematician who lived in Rhodes and discovered that fixed stars were not “fixed”, obtained the positions of at least 850 stars and compiled them in a star catalogue in 129BC. Cladius Ptolemy, an astronomer, astrologer and mathematician who developed Hipparchus work and calculated the precession of
13 Şubat haftası SEVGİ GÜNÜ İçindeki sevgiyi ifade edebilmek ne hoş! Bazen bir hediyeyle, bazen birkaç sözle, bezen de sadece tavır ve vücut dili ile. Ben 14 Şubat’ı Sevgililer Günü yerine SEVGİ GÜNÜ olarak nitelendiriyorum ve bu günde tüm sevdiklerimize birkaç cümle ile de olsa sevgimizi ifade etmemizin en önemli şey olduğunu düşünüyorum. Hediye almaktan
6 Şubat haftası ASLAN BURCUNDA AY TUTULMASI 11 Şubat Cumartesi günü Aslan burcunda Ay tutulması gerçekleşiyor (03:32). Bu yılın ilk tutulması astrolojik açıdan hayli önemli bir zaman dilimine girmek üzere olduğumuzu işaret ediyor. Tutulma Avrupa, Asya’nın çoğunluğu, Afrika, Kuzey ve Güney Amerika, Pasifik, Atlantik, Hint Okyanusu, Antarktika’dan izlenecek. Aşağıda Ankara için düzenlenmiş tutulma haritasını