What is in store for you in 2007? When will you fall in love, when will you get married? Who will be dumped and when will he/she find a new lover? If you want to have a baby, when will you be lucky enough?
Will you get along with your children? What is waiting for them in future?
What about your health? Which are the advantageous periods for surgical operations? Who will be rich, who will rise in his career? Who is gossiping, who is ousting the other? Who are your secret enemies? Are the old discussions closed? Who will have a secret affair? Who will write a bestseller book? When will the alarms ring due to your credit card and tax payments or other debts? When will you need to increase the security measures against theft, fire or flood? Which month is ideal for having a pet?
Everything that is in store for you and for your sign in 2007 is in this book…
Book Title: 2007’de Burcunuz ve Siz
Author: Öner Döşer
Language: Turkish
Number of pages: 388
Published at: October 2006
ISBN: 9758909002