Salad Oil Scandal
In 1963, during the last quarter phase of Saturn-Neptune square, a major corporate scandal known as Salad Oil Scandal caused $150million lose. The scandal involved the company Allied Crude Vegetable Oil which discovered that it could obtain loans based upon the inventory of its salad oil. Ships apparently full of salad oil would arrive at the docks, and inspectors would confirm that the ships were indeed full of oil, allowing the company to obtain millions in loans. In reality, the ships were mostly filled with water, with only a few feet of salad oil on top. Since the oil floated on top of the water, it appeared to inspectors that these ships were loaded with oil. Once the scandal was exposed, American Express was one of the biggest casualties. Its stock dropped more than 50% as a result of the scandal. (
Below, you may see the chart for November 22nd, 1963.
Silver Thursday
During hard aspects of Saturn-Neptune, speculations in the markets are likely. One of them was in 1980. There was a square between Saturn and Neptune and the aspect was in the last quarter phase as it is currently. Hunt Brothers (Nelson Bunker Hunt and Herbert Hunt) tried to manipulate the silver market; they speculated that silver prices will show an excess increase and hold a great amount of entire world supply of silver. However, when the price of silver dropped below margin requirement, other investors who trusted in Hunt Brothers lost billions of dollars. Just on the days that Saturn-Neptune square reached exact degree!
Below, you may see the chart for March 27th, 1980.
As Neptune is related with oil, some speculations may be made on oil prices in 2016 during Saturn-Neptune square. We may conclude that oil prices will not follow the normal course and will be low as Saturn represents limitations.
In addition to cycles between the pairs of Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune, as we are going towards a solar minimum period we may expect a recession in markets.
Sun Spot Cycles and World Trade
The researches show that there is a relation between the solar cycles and the changes in trade and markets. Many contemporary researchers are aware that solar activities coincide with Jupiter cycles that take 11 years and the start and end dates of solar activities are related with Jupiter-Saturn cycles. In 1909s, Percy Seymour, the author of the book “Scientific Basis of Astrology”, claimed that planetary alignments and their geometric alignments with the Sun had an important role in the formation of sun spots and severe solar activities.
According to Percy Seymour; Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune cause changes in the magnetic field of the Sun and change its rotation. (Dr. Percy Seymour, The Scientific Basis of Astrology, St. Martin’s Press, p.264) Major geometric positions of those planets, like conjunction, square, trine and opposition, coincides with sun spot cycles. The planetary cycles of those planets are also related with the changes in trade.
It is remarkable that not the economists but Sir William Herschel, an astronomer, predicted those changes in the financial conditions of the 19th century. Herschel identified the relationship between the number of sun spots and the wheat prices and stated that when there are lower numbers of sun spots as the wheat is scarce wheat prices are high and vice versa. Based on this criteria and the number of sun spots between 1798 and 1813, Herschel successfully determined when the wheat prices would decrease and increase. (LCdr. David Williams, Financial Astrology, American Federation of Astrologers, 2004, p.11)
When the British economist Jevons prepared some statistical data on the changes in economics in 1875, more correlation was discovered between the sun spot cycles and business life and economic developments. (The Solar Period and the Price of Corn, Bristol Meeting, British Association, 1875) In the following years, H.L.Moore – a professor from Columbia University – (Economic Cycles, Their Law and Cause) and Louise McWhirter, Garcia-Mata and Shaffner (Garcia-Mata C. & Shaffner, F.I. “Solar & Economic Relationships.” Quarterly Journal of Economics – November, 1934) studied on statistical data and discovered more relations between the financial crisis in the history and the solar maximum and solar minimum periods.
By the end of 1940s, John Nelson who was an engineer observed the aspect patterns between the planets and predicted the magnetic storms (John Nelson, Cosmic Patterns, Sacred Science Institute) and then more observations were done on planetary cycles and business life and economics. A correlation of 68% was found between the aspects and cycles of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus and the changes in the business life. And as a result, the recession in business life in 1949 and 1950 was predicted. (LCdr. David Williams, Financial Astrology, American Federation of Astrologers, 2004)
In 1947 Harlan True Stetson (Sunspots in Action, The Ronald Press Company, NY, 1947), in 1965 Charles Collins (“Effects of Sunspot Activity on the Market”, Financial Analysts Journal Nov/Dec 1965) and in 1968 Edward Dewey (Cycles, The Mysterious Forces That Triger the Events, Hawthorn Books, Inc. Publishers, NY; Economic and Sociological Phenomena Related to Solar Activity and Influences, Cycles, September 1968) that the activities in stock market and trade increased in correlation with the sun spots and had a fluctuation within 11-years cycle. Industrial and agricultural production was also affected by those cycles.
In 1979 Thomas Rieder and in 1982 LCdr. David Williams (LCdr. David Williams, Financial Astrology, American Federation of Astrologers, 2004) published books on correlation between the changes in economics and the planetary cycles and solar activities. These books told that if there were positive aspects between the planets and lower sunspot activities, then its effect on the markets will be negative. However, if there were positive aspects between the planets and higher sun spot activities, then the markets show a significant increase. On the contrary, when there are lower sunspot activities accompanied by negative planetary aspects (as it is in 2016), then the markets will decrease.
Within the last 80 years, it is observed that there was a correlation between the number of sunspots and American GDP and Dow Jones Industrial Average. The number of sunspots affects global temperature changes which in turn affects physical, social and economic factors. The changes in politics and economics are related with the fluctuations in sunspot energy. Sunspot activities affect the climate on Earth which consequently affects the economics and also our health, our mood, our environment and many other factors.
After this discovery, many studies were made on the relationship between the changes in economics and the human psychology and it was observed that the solar activities affected the fluctuations in human psychology as well as the fluctuations in business life. Dr.Ellsworth Huntington confirmed that the changes in the Sun had an influence on human health and behaviour in addition to its influences on the Earth (Mainsprings of Civilisation, 1945; The Matamek Conference on Biological Cycles, Science, Friday September 4, 1931). Simeon Hutner stated that the trade was affected by the solar activities because the people reacted in an optimistic or pessimistic way to the sun rays. The people borrowed money during the optimistic periods and the creditors forced people to get their money during the pessimistic periods. (LCdr. David Williams, Financial Astrology, American Federation of Astrologers, 2004, p. 93)
Latest researchers declared that each solar maximum period was followed by economic recession. Based on historical perspective, it is clear that people became indifferent are more peaceful after solar maximum period while they become more active and keen on getting on action when the solar maximum in on its peak. During solar maximum periods, inflation and also stock markets show an increase; when the number of sunspots increased inflation was also high as well as the stocks.
Some researchers claim that buying stocks in each solar minimum period and then selling them during solar maximum period which is 3-5 years later would bring 70% benefit. Many researchers who are expert in financial astrology consider planetary affects and state that positive planetary aspects affect the markets positively.
Many articles have been published which investigate the influences of solar activities and planetary cycles on world trade and stock exchange market. John Hampson, who made a comparison of solar periods of the last century and their effects on stock exchange markets, discovered that the stock market panics and solar minimum periods occurred with two years intervals. In his article titled Trading the Sun ( he says:
- First, the stock market panic of 1901 (solar minimum Feb 1902). Then the financial crisis of 1914 (solar minimum August 1913) which involved closing key global stock and commodity markets for several months. Had they not been closed, it is expected the crashes would have been worse than 1929.
- We had a crash in 1921 in stocks and commodities (solar minimum August 1923), a commodities crash in 1952 (April 1954 solar minimum), the sterling crisis in 1964 (October 1964 solar minimum), Black Monday 1987 (solar minimum July 1989) and the Asian financial crisis in 1997 (solar minimum May 1996). All saw massive falls in risk assets.
- We reached the nominal secular stocks bear bottoms in 1932, 1942 and 1975, corresponding to the solar minima of September 1933, February 1944 and June 1976 respectively.
And finally the latest huge panic took place in 2008, just after the solar minimum in 2007.
What’s next?
As John Hampson implied, just a while before the solar minimum periods (nearly 2 years ago), there may be panic in stock markets. Solar maximum which was expected to happen in 2012 occurred in 2013 and it is about to complete its maximum period and go towards the minimum period. Solar minimum period is expected to occur in 2017 and last for a longer period. If it is late like the solar maximum, then this date may shift to 2018. SO, if we go backwards from these years, we may expect a global financial crisis in 2016.
As mentioned before, Jupiter-Saturn cycles are related with the developments in economics; under negative aspects between these planets, restrictions and crisis in economics are likely. When we examine the major financial crisis since 1600s, we see that there were major aspects between those planets during those periods. For example; during the crisis in 1637 we see a square between Jupiter and Saturn, in 1857 crisis we again see a square between those planets and in 1929 crisis we see an opposition between Jupiter and Saturn!
We also mentioned that Saturn- Neptune cycles also coincide with some financial crisis periods. Saturn represents self-insurance and precautions. It is related with earthly warranties, business life and operation principles. On the other hand, Neptune distracts the person from earthly warranties, dissolves his desire for assurance and creates a desire for getting rid of the responsibilities and burdens. In 2007, before the economic crisis of 2008, we had an opposition between Saturn and Neptune.
Now, let’s go back to the beginning. In 2016, we will have a square between Saturn and Neptune. Jupiter, the planet of finances, will be in square and opposition with those planets. T-square aspect pattern between Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune will be prominent during 2016. This implies that 2016 will be the year of crisis. When we add what we learned from the solar minimum, all these data fall into place! We are approaching solar minimum period and the planetary cycles also points out a crisis…
When we handle the issue in terms of the psychology of the planets, we may think that the people will not want to make investments within this unstable and unsecure environment because Saturn is related with depression, pessimism, isolation, lack of confidence, anxiety and Neptune is related with instability, irritability, withdrawal, confusion and disorientation. Jupiter, being in square and in opposition with those planets, may also trigger those moods and also the anxious nature of Virgo, the sign it transits. Neptune in Pisces may bring withdrawal and Saturn in Sagittarius may suppress the need to take risks.
Saturn is related with precaution. It does not like taking risks foolishly. It tends to withdraw in situations where there is something to worry. It is sceptical and restraint. It is not enthusiastic and impulsive. It suppresses Sagittarius features like being adventurous, hopeful and optimistic. It has a strong drive for self-assurance. It wants to be on the safe side. However, when it is in incompatible aspects with Neptune, the ground is slippery. Saturn, when compared with mysterious Neptune, feels that economic stability is in danger. Saturn, that needs a predictable future, cannot cope with indefinite future. It cannot feel secure. When it feels that there are things that threaten its security, Neptune prefers isolation. It withdraws. It shuts down.
One of the risks that will deter the investors may be the growing terrorism. Terror may hit some sectors like tourism, international travel and etc. As Mars will stay in Sagittarius for a long time in 2016 and will be close to Saturn, fanatic acts, terrorism and war risk will be triggered. The investors may be unwilling to make transactions in the markets under such indefinite conditions. Saturn-Neptune aspects bring unwillingness and low motivation. On the other hand, Jupiter – the planet of hopes – will be blocked by both Neptune and Saturn. When all those factors come together, we may conclude that 2016 will be the year when we will be hearing the strong footsteps of depression in economics.
How long will this economic crisis last?
In 2013-2014 we had a T-square aspect pattern between Jupiter, Uranus and Pluton in cardinal signs (Cancer, Aries and Capricorn) which was periodically triggered by Mars and formed into a Grand Square. Although this aspect pattern between the cardinal signs brought some difficulties in economics, financial markets were active because this aspect reflected the quality of taking initiative, getting into action and taking risks. Trading volume was high. People made investments and took risks. Solar activities were in solar maximum period then. That means it was the time for mass excitement; people were willing to get into action, make changes and take risks.
The last (seventh) square between Uranus and Pluton in cardinal signs was on March 17th, 2015. As we mentioned, the most important aspect of 2016 is the Jupiter-Saturn-Neptune T-square. This T-square will bring passiveness, indecisiveness and disintegration when compared with the latest one. As we are moving towards the solar minimum period, by 2016 we may be drawn into an unwillingness to take action and risks, low energy and lack of motivation, hesitation, abstention and indecisiveness.
Uranus-Pluton square which was active between 2012 and 2015 brought a revolutionary energy. Now, we are about to complete this energy and on the edge of a new era. Jupiter-Saturn-Neptune T-square involves the general characteristics of this cycle. This indicates that the markets will stagnate. Solar activities which will gradually decrease will influence this stagnation.
The end of Capitalism
Perhaps we have really reached the end of capitalism. Neptune, transiting in Pisces now, entered into Pisces in 1848. This period was considered as a crisis period in capitalism by Marx and Engels; there was a kind of world revolution. Neptune will complete its tour in Pisces in 2026. We will see how the economic systems will change by this year.
A new economic order will prevail and perhaps the existing one will need to collapse! 2019 and 2020 seem to be the most remarkable years!
Pluto is in Capricorn since 2008. By the end of 2017 Saturn will enter to Capricorn. By the beginning of 2019, eclipses will start to take place in Capricorn which is the sing of finance, money and business. Below, you may see the chart for January 6th, 2019.
At the beginning of 2020, there will be a lunar eclipse with partile Saturn-Pluto conjunction. In this chart we also see that malefic Lunar Node, which diminishes and debilitate whatever she conjuncts as if it is in detriment or fall, will be in partile conjunction with Jupiter, the planet of finance and Capitalism, which is already in detriment in Capricorn. When we read it with Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, we see that we will probably be testing big financial problems and we will probably be very close to the times of financial transformation. Below, you may see the chart for January 10th, 2020.
By the end of 2020, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will be in triple conjunction in Capricorn. This indicates transformation of economic systems as we know and the probable end of Capitalism! Below, you may see the chart for November 12th, 2020.
New Era in Economics
After the possible global financial crisis that we predict that will take place between 2016 and 2020, we will be entering a new era in economics. We will probably begin to see the influences of this new cycle in 2021.
In December 21st, 2020 we will have a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in the first degree of Aquarius. By the beginning of this cycle, the end of materialism will be announced and high social values will be important. This conjunction in the first degree of Aquarius may symbolically be considered as a fresh and brand new beginning for humanity. A new era in economics!
December 29th, 2015, Thursday
AstroArt School of Astrology (ASA)